Sunday, July 17, 2011

Benefits of Tea

Many among us do not realize that there are some properties of tea and the benefits to our health. Usually for Indonesian society for the tea is served at the meal when there are guests who come or as a regular drink.Well here studies have shown that some types of tea may help treat cancer, heart disease, triggering weight loss, lowering cholesterol, and increase alertness. Tea also seems to have a variety of antimicrobial qualities.

"Tea does not seem to have drawbacks," says Katherine Tallmadge, MA, RD, LD., A spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association. "I think that tea is an excellent alternative to replace coffee. First, the tea contains less caffeine. It has long been known that substances contained in tea (flavonoids) was very good for the heart and may reduce cancer".

So you understood from the tea. Here Unique will explain some of the benefits of the tea are:

  • Benefits of Green Tea, Black, and White

Tea is the name given to various types of mimuman. But for those who love the purity only consider green tea, black tea, white tea, oolong tea and pu-er teas are really tea.
All types of tea come from Camellia sinensis plant, a shrub originating from China and India, and contains a unique antioxidant called flavonoids. The most potent flavonoids, known as ECGC, may help fight free radicals that contribute to cancer, heart, and clogged arteries.
All of this tea also contains caffeine and theanine, which affects the brain and seems to improve alertness.The more processes that must be followed by tea leaves, usually the fewer remaining polyphenols. Flavonoids including polyphenols. Oolong tea and black tea dioxidasi or fermented, so the concentration of polyphenols which have fewer than green tea, but antioxidasinya strength remains high.

Here are some of the results of research on the potential of the health benefits of tea:

  1. Green Tea. Made from tea leaves are steamed, which have high concentrations of EGCG and has been widely studied. Antioxidant contained in green tea may inhibit the development of bladder cancer, breast, lung, stomach, pancreas, and colorectal; prevent arteries from clogging, burn fat, fight oxidative stress in the brain, reducing the risk of disruption neurological eg Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, reducing the risk of stroke, and lowers cholesterol levels read more .
  2. Fenugreek Seed 610 mg by Nature's Way 180 Capsules
  3. Black Tea. Made from fermented tea leaves in tea, green tea has the highest caffeine content. Various studies have shown that green tea may protect the lungs from damage caused by cigarette smoke. Also reduce the risk of stroke.
  4. White TeaUncured and unfermented. One study showed that white tea has the capability of the most powerful anti-cancer than other teas that have been through a lot of processing.
  5. Oolong TeaIn one study, animals that received the antioxidant of oolong tea, lower bad cholesterol levels.
  6. Pu-erh teaMade from fermented tea leaves. One study showed that animals given pu-erh tea weight addition of fewer and his LDL cholesterol level decreased.
  • Benefits of Herbal Tea
Made from herbs, fruits, seeds, or roots are soaked in hot water, herbal teas have lower antioxidant levels than green tea, white, black, and oolong. Its chemical composition varies greatly, depending on the plant used. For example ginger, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, hibiscus, jasmine, rosehip, mint, rooibos (red tea), chamomile, and echinacea.
The study ever conducted on the benefits of herbal teas are still limited, and the various claims that herbal teas can help you lose weight, cure fevers, and improve quality of sleep, still not supported by evidence from scientific research results.

Here are some results of studies that have been done:

  1. Chamomile tea. Antioxidant it may prevent complications of diabetes, such as loss of vision and nerve, kidney damage, and inhibits the growth of cell-cell cancer. 
  2. Echinacea tea. Often taught as a way to combat the fever, this is corroborated by the results of the study. 
  3. Hibiscus Tea. One study found that drinking three glasses of hibiscus tea per day can lower blood pressure in those who experience an increase in medium scale. 
  4. Rooibos Tea. A North African origin teas are fermented. Although it contains flavonoids which have the ability to fight cancer, but medical research is still limited.

  • Instant Tea Benefits
Instant tea containing tea may be very few experts and many contain sugar or artificial sweeteners. For the sake of health, check the materials used on the label.
Thank You.....^_^

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